Season’s greetings!

Christmas card

Less than a week to go until Christmas and the last blog post for the year. Seems like the perfect time to review the year that was. Personally, it was a huge year of changes for me. The biggest and most relevant was my move to BW Private Wealth. In May I made the daunting […]

Taxing Generational Wealth Transfer

Taxing generational wealth transfer

Something I am seeing more and more is people trying to maintain a certain amount of money/assets to pass on to their children. Superannuation is a massive part of this, other than the family home it’s generally the largest asset. The one big mistake I see over and over again is people not realizing superannuation […]

Reducing Financial Stress is good for your Health

Be happier free from financial stress

Following on from last week’s blog, I thought this is the perfect time to talk about financial stress and your health. I don’t think it is much of a secret that if your finances are in order you are happier. I’m not saying more money makes you happier, but what I am saying is if you aren’t […]

Mortgage stress

Mortgage stress

Today’s blog is a little more somber than most simply because it is getting tough out there. With the inflation rate sitting at 7.3% and variable mortgages almost tipping 5%, everyone is starting to really feel the pain. Although I don’t really want to rub salt into the wounds, it does bring up some concerns […]

It’s that time of the year!

Financial Planning Ballarat

With Christmas fast approaching, we try to do a bit of giving around this time of year. This year we have decided to give a donation of books to our local kindergarten. They are a relatively new kinder, and they are trying to build up their toys and books for their kids. They have a […]

What is Core Satellite Investing?

Financial Planning Ballarat

This investment style may have been mentioned to you and you didn’t really know what it meant but also didn’t want to ask. It is a quite common way of investing, so I’ll try and explain it to you. To answer this question we first need to touch on passive vs. active investments. The quickest […]

Insurance for my Kids is Actually Selfishly for Me!

Financial Planning Ballarat

This week is my son’s birthday and it got me thinking about how I’d do anything I could to protect him. This included the trauma insurance I took out for him when he was 2. Most people haven’t heard of childhood trauma or if they have they don’t really understand the benefit. For a few […]

Have You Ever Heard of TTR or TRIS?

Financial Planning Ballarat

Or if you talk to people who don’t use acronyms for everything a Transition to Retirement (TTR / TRIS) pension? If you haven’t and you are close to 60, or over, these are amazing for 2 reasons! Firstly, these pensions allow you to draw money out of your superannuation, as tax-free pension payments, to offset your income. […]

My Kids Will Never be able to Afford a House!

Financial Planning Ballarat

Something I hear quite regularly is that parents are concerned that their kids will never be able to afford a home. And that is a real concern, one that I share. As much as we don’t like to admit it the burden will fall on the bank of Mum and Dad to give our kids […]

Working on my Car Could Cripple my Family?

Financial Planning Ballarat

On the weekend I decided to work on my project car and replace the shocks. For anyone who knows about cars they know the springs need to be compressed for this job, for anyone that doesn’t I won’t bore you with too many details. Long story short it’s a relatively risky job when you compress […]