6 questions to ask a financial adviser before getting insurance

Before getting life insurance, discuss these 6 questions with your financial adviser. That way you’ll have a clear picture of what you’re buying. 1. What types of cover do I need? Deciding what you need to be covered for is important. You can start by asking yourself (and your adviser, of course): Can I do […]

The insider’s advantage

Unlike your car insurance, most life insurers offer what’s known as ‘guaranteed renewable’ policies – meaning that each year your policy is renewed, the insurer must continue to cover you under the same terms and conditions. So regardless of whether your health has declined or you’ve taken up new activities, they cannot revoke your coverage […]

Your duty of disclosure (and why it matters)

Insurance Disclosure

The application process is your chance to get certainty from your insurance. That’s because the information you provide in your application will help dictate what you’re covered for, and how much it will cost. Carry out your duty of disclosure correctly, and you can be confident your cover will do exactly what you expect it […]

Planning for your First Appointment with a Financial Advisor

Planning for advice

So you’ve decided to meet with a financial advisor. The next step is to get ready to make the most of your first meeting. The better prepared you are, the better quality conversation you can have. It starts with a conversation Your first appointment with a financial advisor is a ‘get to know you’ session […]

The Science Behind Why We Need Life Insurance

Insurance Science

Life insurance protects our future financial circumstances against unexpected illness or injury. Deep down, most of us probably know that’s a good investment in our future. But the truth is many people struggle to engage with life insurance enough to actually buy it. And for those that do, more struggle to keep, review, and feel […]

The Silent Struggle: Finances and Mental Health

Mental Health

When we think about mental health, we often focus on emotional well-being, relationships, and self-care. However, there’s a critical aspect that’s frequently overlooked: finances. Our financial situation can significantly impact our mental health, and vice versa. In this blog, we’ll explore the intricate relationship between finances and mental health, and offer practical tips to break […]

Tax Time Tip: Don’t Forget the Tax Benefit of Income Protection

Income protection tax deduction

With tax time looming, Australians are busy gathering receipts and chasing down those elusive deductions. But one often overlooked gem is the tax benefit of income protection insurance. What is income protection? Income protection acts as a financial safety net, providing a portion of your income if illness or injury prevents you from working. It […]

Financial Advisor: Your Guide for Every Stage of Life

Generational Advisor

Managing finances can be overwhelming, regardless of your age or financial situation. A financial adviser can provide expert guidance and help you make informed decisions to achieve your financial goals. In this blog, we’ll explore how a financial adviser can benefit individuals at various stages of life, from young singles and couples to retirees. Young […]

Easter Finances: Smart Planning for a Happy Holiday

Easter finance

Easter can be a joy-filled time for families and friends, but it can also wreak havoc on your wallet. The costs can quickly add up between the chocolate, decorations, elaborate meals, and potential travel. This blog post will crack open some smart financial planning tips to ensure you have a delightful Easter celebration without breaking […]

Debt Payoff Smackdown: Avalanche vs. Snowball 

Debt Payoff Smackdown

Drowning in debt? You’re not alone. But there is hope! Today, we’ll enter the ring for a Debt Payoff Smackdown, facing off against two popular methods: the Debt Avalanche and the Debt Snowball. Both aim to tackle your financial foe, but they use different punches. Let’s see which one is your champion. The Debt Avalanche: […]